- Price: $249.99(500GB)
- Released: November 15th, 2013
- Developer: Sony
PS4 Cheats: Choose Your GTA Game
About GTA & PS4
GTA 5 launched on PS4 on November 5, 2015. Other GTA games on this platform as of December 5, 2015, include GTA III, GTA Vice City, and GTA San Andreas. We compare how GTA 5 performs on PS4 when pitted against other consoles.
As you’d expect, the GTA version available on PS4 has a higher resolution that other consoles. It is way better than PC, Xbox One or even the PS3. The 1080 pixels resolution has the backing of a higher AA processor which gives the game a greater draw distance. In effect, it is easier to pick horizons on GTA whether you are trekking on in a vehicle.
The GTA 5 on the PS4 has better performance compared to other consoles. Obviously, this has to do with the surplus RAM on the machine. The engine seems stronger here and the streaming faster. The GPU and HDD caches increase the effects on the game.
Just like Xbox One, there are focal effects on GTA 5 on PS4. For example, there are god rays and screen space reflections across the shiny floors. In other words, the finesse on GTA 5 is more evident on PS4 than it is on any other platform.
PS4 and Xbox One feature newer maps. The texture quality is better too with the highways and skyscrapers looking more “real”. Everything gets an upgrade on the map from the fabric of Michael’s jacket to the pebble stone found in his garden.
To make the most out of your missions on PS4, you’re better off getting well acquainted with the buttons and the touch pad. The L1 button, for instance, comes in handy when a player wants to aim drive by weapon or yaw. It is also the button to press when holding a weapon wheel or tapping to arm or disarm the newer weapons. Note that there are in-vehicle and on-foot controls and the more you get familiar them, the easier it is to achieve your goals.